Neil in West Jersey
New member
The deleted post (for those who care) was just a comment that the type of metal detector you own it is not as important as how well you use it. Compare detecting to professional sports. These athletes do not just show up on Sunday, but they practice and watch recordings all week long. They know the plays backwards and forwards. The detectorist who only gets out 5 or 6 times a year will not find as much as a person who detects every weekend, regardless of brand and model. I know people who own discount store detectors who find better things more often than friends of mine who are using $1800 units.
We all rely too much on the bells and whistles. It is time to "let go... Use the force" become one with your V3i! After a while you will begin to trust your instincts more than the display.
We all rely too much on the bells and whistles. It is time to "let go... Use the force" become one with your V3i! After a while you will begin to trust your instincts more than the display.