I have walked this stretch of beach many times since I found the last stone point there. Today I found that winds and rain had exposed normally sand covered stones back away from the water's edge maybe 50'. A two foot wide path of these stones sitting on the surface got me watching carfully for arrow-heads and maybe a hundred feet from where I found the last one last year, I spied this one.
[attachment 182402 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10001Large.jpg]
It's laying in the center of the exposed stones.
[attachment 182403 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10002Large.jpg]
A much closer view.
[attachment 182404 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10003Large.jpg]
A little different angle.
[attachment 182405 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10004Large.jpg]
These are all similar in style, but two of them are of poorer craftmanship than the others.
[attachment 182406 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10007Large.jpg]
The one I found today is on the right and shows much poorer flint-napping ability.
Every time I walk the beach it is with a heavy plastic leaf bag and a pair of tongs for picking up anything that needs to be in the garbage.
I watch every foot of beach for arrowheads and after perhaps a hundred or more such walks I have these four to show for my efforts.
I have removed perhaps a dump truck load of plastic, glass and aluminum cans too.
[attachment 182407 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10011Large.jpg]
Close inspection shows that the point is crooked and curved to one side too. (Bent in two directions!)
[attachment 182402 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10001Large.jpg]
It's laying in the center of the exposed stones.
[attachment 182403 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10002Large.jpg]
A much closer view.
[attachment 182404 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10003Large.jpg]
A little different angle.
[attachment 182405 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10004Large.jpg]
These are all similar in style, but two of them are of poorer craftmanship than the others.
[attachment 182406 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10007Large.jpg]
The one I found today is on the right and shows much poorer flint-napping ability.
Every time I walk the beach it is with a heavy plastic leaf bag and a pair of tongs for picking up anything that needs to be in the garbage.
I watch every foot of beach for arrowheads and after perhaps a hundred or more such walks I have these four to show for my efforts.
I have removed perhaps a dump truck load of plastic, glass and aluminum cans too.
[attachment 182407 Onemorearrowhead12-17-10011Large.jpg]
Close inspection shows that the point is crooked and curved to one side too. (Bent in two directions!)