The last storm has pulled sand off the beaches locally and covered my hunting grounds in a big way!! 21/2 hours today resulted in 28 Targets Recovered and most (25) were pieces of aluminum and wire plus a few nails and bottle caps.
Keepers= 1-clad dime and 1-large sinker plus a small crimp on sinker.
The junk was light weight and washed down off the beach I think!
The tide never got to its "normal" low today, usually its is a foot lower, due to the off shore disturbance messing with the tides.
I would like to hunt out farther, but between the higher tide and ground swells I was kept away from where I wanted to hunt!
Maybe tomorrow,
Keepers= 1-clad dime and 1-large sinker plus a small crimp on sinker.
The junk was light weight and washed down off the beach I think!
The tide never got to its "normal" low today, usually its is a foot lower, due to the off shore disturbance messing with the tides.
I would like to hunt out farther, but between the higher tide and ground swells I was kept away from where I wanted to hunt!
Maybe tomorrow,