is being alert for finds recovered that may be overlooked, These things may be valuable, interesting or just future targets if they are dumped back in the water without being found.
Checking the dig and immediate area for more targets may result in several more targets recovered (I once found two gold rings in the same hole and another time two in one scoop!!)
Yesterday in a quick water hunt my first target recovered was a 3 oz sinker and before dumping the stones outa my sifter I swept the DF coil over it and recovered a second 3 oz sinker that was in the same scoop of sand and stone.
Usually I pass such huge sounding targets as likely being junk, but twice over the years the huge,
Checking the dig and immediate area for more targets may result in several more targets recovered (I once found two gold rings in the same hole and another time two in one scoop!!)
Yesterday in a quick water hunt my first target recovered was a 3 oz sinker and before dumping the stones outa my sifter I swept the DF coil over it and recovered a second 3 oz sinker that was in the same scoop of sand and stone.
Usually I pass such huge sounding targets as likely being junk, but twice over the years the huge,