This card could have been recieved by any of you fellow hunters who went out of your way to help someone who lost a treasured jewel, thus I feel I must share it with you all!
Dear Metal Detector Man,
I'm so sorry I didn't get your name to address you properly. I wanted to write you to say that I just can't thank you enough for coming so quickly to find my daughter's ring in the sand less than an hour before she was to be married on Hawk's Nest Beach, July 17, 2010. The ring has much sentimental value. It was given to her grandmother when she graduated high school in 1948 and then was given to her mother (me) in 1978 when I graduated and I gave it to her in 2004 when she graduated.
Not only that it's been in the family, but her grandmother passed away very suddenly on June 7, 2010 and that ring meant so very much to my daughter. Now she can give it to her daughter when she graduates high school in 2027.
Your kindness is very much appreciated and we will be forever grateful to you for finding it!
Blessings to you and your family,
Barbara for Emily
Respectfully submitted,
Dear Metal Detector Man,
I'm so sorry I didn't get your name to address you properly. I wanted to write you to say that I just can't thank you enough for coming so quickly to find my daughter's ring in the sand less than an hour before she was to be married on Hawk's Nest Beach, July 17, 2010. The ring has much sentimental value. It was given to her grandmother when she graduated high school in 1948 and then was given to her mother (me) in 1978 when I graduated and I gave it to her in 2004 when she graduated.
Not only that it's been in the family, but her grandmother passed away very suddenly on June 7, 2010 and that ring meant so very much to my daughter. Now she can give it to her daughter when she graduates high school in 2027.
Your kindness is very much appreciated and we will be forever grateful to you for finding it!
Blessings to you and your family,
Barbara for Emily
Respectfully submitted,