New member
It was time to update my air test matrix and add the Excel. The ID’s are at the limit of detection, so they may swing up or down depending on target depth. The gold earring went to +04 at shorter distance, so the ID number went down, though the target was closer. These are air tests with all their possible weaknesses, but through field experience, it is tough to beat a CZ for silver, which matches the air test results. I may not make any friends with this statement, but it is tough to beat the CZ-20. A balanced response to a wide variety of targets, the ability to be used in jungles, rainforests, desert with high mineral levels, the saltwater beach, underwater obviously, and capable of having the absolute snot beat out of it, without missing a beat, puts it at the head of the pack. Talk about a survivalist detector, the CZ-20 is it!