boomers dad
New member was my wife's co-worker's husband that died Sunday night.he was watching t.v.;and just fell over,gone-Never been sickly.They said he had blood coming out of his nose,and they surmise he had an aneurysm that burst in his head. My wife told me her friend,Alice;is completely devastated-"we were soul mates",is what she told my wife.I met him a couple of times,nice guy.Dont know if he was aved,I will leave that up to HIM..........the funeral is noon this Wednesday;I told my wife I will come to work;we will go together.These 2 did EVERYTHING together-including WORKED together.I told my wife she is going to need a LOT of comforting in the coming future.My wife asked her what she could do for her,and she answered"BRING MY MARK BACK TO ME"..........Same thing happened to my family-Dad died suddenly while at work in 1965-to the day that Mom died in 1993;she had but one question:WHY????????????????No doubt about it;life CAN seem cruel sometimes,but god DOES have a plan.we can ask the WHYS all our lives,and never get an answer-MAYBE -HOPEFULLY-all our questions will be answered when we are in the prescence of the ONE........Prayers please,for the families of Mark and Alice,and all the employees.................