those air tests, based on what has been explained to you, IMO, there actually MAY be something wrong with the detector and something wrong with what has been said is to be a "bench mark" test.
The difference of 1 inch may not seem much but could be why this detector may not function to it's full capacity.
Using an Aussie(199
20 cent coin:
I am getting about (21025mm=1inch)or 8 and 1/2 inches using the DEFAULT start-up settings that put the Explorer into a SEMI AUTO 16 and SMARTSCREEN with half the left hand screen blacked out. The same in the default screen for IRONMASK -6.
By simply switching over to a MANUAL SENSATIVITY both the DEFAULT SMART SCREEN AND DEFAULT IRONMASK -6 (same coin) gets detected at 12 INCHES in the same air test in the same location and at the same moment with one test after the other and in my office(EMI CITY).
The DIGITAL read out is:
SEMI-AUTO SENSITIVITY readout is 12 with ring and coin icon.
tone change:
MANUAL SENSIVITY readout 13 with ring and coin icon.
MANUAL SENSIVITY readout is 16 with ring and coin icon.
tone change:
SEMI AUTO SENSIVITY readout is 18 with ring and coin icon.
This is for both my Explorers version 1's that have the differing software revisions in either one and using their own 10 1/2inch coil.(even used coil that I pulled apart to lighten the load of it. Works great.
I to say all Explorers should be "hot" units. I don't think that a "hit and miss" possibility should be ever a determining factor as for why some units work better than others.
The Explorer electronics are fairly robust and assembled with a technique that promises consistency that surface mounted technology and wave soldering have to offer.
I reckon that the problem lies in the part that has had the human element of bad soldering joints or wrong soldering joints or a programming error when they put the units up on a PC screen for final diagnostic and testing process that is the patented Minelab 1025B Digital Analyser and I to have been told this what is done to determine any problems that is by using a Computer interface style analysing system..
For example, this method of computer interface to check the integrity of a metal detachers function is now a standard externally accessed and connected feature on detectors like the latest Minelab GP 3000).
As far as I know every time I have sent in my Explorer that I converted and have
accidentally "killed" it(due to my "experiments" and I have done this a few times to many than I care to mention) , I to always get told that AFTER it has passed an on the "repair bench" computer interfaced(1025B Digital Analyzer), via a connection inside the Explorer control box on one of the Printed Circuit Boards.
I have always got the Explorer back working perfectly every single time (cross my heart I am going to leave my Explorer alone this time).
Let Minelab know about the results I have form my tests. They are usually very co-operative and helpful and just generally good people. Maybe there are others who are in possesion of the Aussie 20 cent piece who can also attest to my results and who will post them here on this forum to help out.
Sorry for rambling on, but I have to tell the full story. I hope my message gets across.