Pete in MI
New member
The heating guy showed up hours after he was supposed to be here. Showed him what the gas company had tagged - two gas leaks. I had to go to work so everything was left in Sherry's hands. She called me later to say it would cost $495 to make the repairs. We had $200 set aside to pay the overdue gas bill.
Sherry told the worker we didn't have the money to get the repairs done. Sherry said she had an errand to run but in the meantime the guy said he'd pick up his tools and leave. When Sherry got back the guy was still here and he said he had called his boss and told her that for $120 he could fix the gas leak in the pipe going to the furnace and that the boss said we could pay the rest of the $495 by Dec 31 if we wanted both repairs done.
Sherry said let's get it done then. Well the $120 was coming out of the $200. We had another problem that $200 was to be paid not later than tomorrow. Got the leaks fixed now figured we'd have the gas shut off tomorrow for not making the payment. What a predicament. We knew the unemployment money would come in tomorrow but with our mail service we're lucky if the mailman shows up by 5 PM - and his accuracy at getting the mail where it goes is not good. We could not depend on getting it in time to make the payment. We don't even know if the unemployment is going to be enough to pay that bill.
So we owe the heating repair company the rest and owe the gas company and could not figure out where the money would come from in time to make that gas payment. Figured all our birds, the dogs, cat and ourselves would be freezing real soon.
As I talked to Sherry later about all this we were glad that the leaks were fixed so at least we knew we weren't going to blow up half the neighborhood and take pets and people with it. Sherry asked Casey to go check the mail. She came back in and told her Mom that we have a Christmas card in the mail. Sherry jokingly said "quick open it up and se how much money is in there".
Casey opened the cnvelope and out popped a check - for $300 from Sherry's great-Grandmother who is a real prayer warrior for Christ.
We can make the gas payment. When the unemployment comes we will combine what we have and hopefully it will be enough to pay off the balance of money owed on the gas line repairs.
I was taking with another woman today - my co-worker - who said she doesn't undestand why good people like us have to scrimp to make ends meet while others never feel a need to struggle.
I think I figured something out. Those who don't struggle seem to be the ones who let their god have control over their lives. Satan gives them what they want and if he can keep them dependent on doing wrong to get ahead the devil certainly doesn't mind giving them things - especially when he knows those who trust in him are turning their backs on God.
After the struggle of this gas line leak situation, I realized that there was nothing I could do - especially in time - to get more money to solve the problems. It wasn't until I stopped trying to do things ny way that I turned to God and prayed for His help. And help He did.
I guess what I am saying is some of these troubles come on us and if we turn to God and trust in Him - and quit trying to do it our own way (instead of His) - then God can do for us what we could never do ourselves.
God knew all these things before I knew of them. God had already worked on a solution even before I knew I had a problem(s) and letting Him do what He knows is best for me, He was able to be there when I needed Him.
Praise God for His timing is on time. His ways are better than my ways. His plans are better than anything I could think up.
I want to thank you for your prayers. The leaks are fixed and our safety is assured and our heat will be on to keep us warm. May God bless you richly for your fervent prayers.
Sherry told the worker we didn't have the money to get the repairs done. Sherry said she had an errand to run but in the meantime the guy said he'd pick up his tools and leave. When Sherry got back the guy was still here and he said he had called his boss and told her that for $120 he could fix the gas leak in the pipe going to the furnace and that the boss said we could pay the rest of the $495 by Dec 31 if we wanted both repairs done.
Sherry said let's get it done then. Well the $120 was coming out of the $200. We had another problem that $200 was to be paid not later than tomorrow. Got the leaks fixed now figured we'd have the gas shut off tomorrow for not making the payment. What a predicament. We knew the unemployment money would come in tomorrow but with our mail service we're lucky if the mailman shows up by 5 PM - and his accuracy at getting the mail where it goes is not good. We could not depend on getting it in time to make the payment. We don't even know if the unemployment is going to be enough to pay that bill.
So we owe the heating repair company the rest and owe the gas company and could not figure out where the money would come from in time to make that gas payment. Figured all our birds, the dogs, cat and ourselves would be freezing real soon.
As I talked to Sherry later about all this we were glad that the leaks were fixed so at least we knew we weren't going to blow up half the neighborhood and take pets and people with it. Sherry asked Casey to go check the mail. She came back in and told her Mom that we have a Christmas card in the mail. Sherry jokingly said "quick open it up and se how much money is in there".
Casey opened the cnvelope and out popped a check - for $300 from Sherry's great-Grandmother who is a real prayer warrior for Christ.
We can make the gas payment. When the unemployment comes we will combine what we have and hopefully it will be enough to pay off the balance of money owed on the gas line repairs.
I was taking with another woman today - my co-worker - who said she doesn't undestand why good people like us have to scrimp to make ends meet while others never feel a need to struggle.
I think I figured something out. Those who don't struggle seem to be the ones who let their god have control over their lives. Satan gives them what they want and if he can keep them dependent on doing wrong to get ahead the devil certainly doesn't mind giving them things - especially when he knows those who trust in him are turning their backs on God.
After the struggle of this gas line leak situation, I realized that there was nothing I could do - especially in time - to get more money to solve the problems. It wasn't until I stopped trying to do things ny way that I turned to God and prayed for His help. And help He did.
I guess what I am saying is some of these troubles come on us and if we turn to God and trust in Him - and quit trying to do it our own way (instead of His) - then God can do for us what we could never do ourselves.
God knew all these things before I knew of them. God had already worked on a solution even before I knew I had a problem(s) and letting Him do what He knows is best for me, He was able to be there when I needed Him.
Praise God for His timing is on time. His ways are better than my ways. His plans are better than anything I could think up.
I want to thank you for your prayers. The leaks are fixed and our safety is assured and our heat will be on to keep us warm. May God bless you richly for your fervent prayers.