that it is all in our heavenly Father's hands....we pray and pray and sinners get meaner and meaner...but someday, either before or after we leave this old world, they will eventually hear the word of the Lord and bow unto Him! But if not, then they will bow to Him one day, for every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Like you I've prayed and prayed but now I just remind God to remember my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and help them to draw nearer to Him, and when they draw nearer, He will draw near to them!
One thing about God's Word it will never return void...but deaf ears must hear and make the choice to choose Jesus as their own, personal Savior. The best way to be a witness for Him is to show Jesus' light before them and with love light the way so they can see Jesus more clearly too!
Since you might not be seeing your granddaughter, is there a family near you with small children that you could buy presents and food for and be a blessing to them? We can serve God in many different ways, and whatever way He reveals to you to be a blessing to others that is what you need to do to have a blessed and Merry Christmas for yourself and your wife! Don't sit around and have a pitty party, as no one will come but satan....I I've had too many of them!
So in Jesus' sweet name I am praying now for you and your wife to be filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory with Jesus' comforting love giving you a most blessed Christmas than anyone could have! I'll also pray for your prodigal children as well as mine! God hears and answers our prayers of faith but in His own time and in His own way...they must be willing...just as we were willing to surrender unto Him! Don't give up though as that is what the old liar, the devil, would want you to do! (Get thee hence, satan, in Jesus' name!)
God Bless, Merry Christmas and may you be blessed mightily in the New Year.....Keep on, keepin' on for Jesus and thank Him for what you have and give God the glory for all things....for 'tis in the bad times that we cry out for mercy and his comfort and draw closer to Him!
Sister Betty