Semp, been using it about a year, you can't imagine the power, 5" coil a 22 case at 6" and the 5' goes unbelievabley deep with a SEN @ 6 and DISC @ 4, and it will pick it out with next to trash.The 8"and 10.5 go to China. The 10.5 needs lower SEN. to work without noise in H/Minerals highly trasty areas. When I use that coil I G.B. in All Metal and set the Iron all the way, Get a sound check it in the iron mode with toggle and if it is good start digging(solid tone no sound ending chatter or chirps) and its been working really really good with all 3 size coils. Heavy trash shoot with Disc. 5 (test a nickel) low SEN, play with that setting to clear up some of the side noise,1270 does not need full SEN to go deep. 1 park i'm hunting know for the past month on and off I'm up to over 900 coins, 2 -14K wedding ring, 14K ST. Chist. medal, 9 Silver rings, 1-1787 NJ Copper (NJ L/G) 6- I/H pennies Silver Charms 7on holder and 19 Silver coins (Barbers Merc,Rosie (dimes and Quarters) I'm going to have to posts some pics, place was a forgotten resort at turn of the century. most of the Silver and Jewerlry came up with the 5" coil. Thing are getting thin it seems, not picking up alot but!!!! 3 Disc setting i'm still getting pulltabs at an unheard of depth of 6 -7"
so if there that depth thiers still stuff hanging with it. Just wish the 1270 hade a multi tone setting like the F75 and it would really awesome.