Mick in Dubbo
New member
I was due to lose the Terra for a couple of months to a mate yesterday, but if you read Marco's post, my mate lives near that part of the world, so couldn't fly due to the weather. So this allowed me to get out with the 30 for a few hours today. Applying the new pinpointing techniques really allowed me to get some excellent results out of the machine, with the easiest recoveries yet. I also tried to muck around with the VCO on our 10 cent pieces and pull tabs (as they come up in the same notch on the display. Alas, I could only recover coins today as the only pull tabs I came across were visible. I did a bit more testing on the pinpoint fade and was only once, completely fooled by a target, the eyelet. I dug up 2 other junk items that if I listened to the detector (more experience) I would have guessed correctly. The pinpoints sounded different to a coin. There was one other piece of can slaw that I dug up (bouncing ID) just to see what it was. It was only an inch away from a $1 coin that I had just recovered. I was just curious as to what it was, as it affected the coin pinpoint a bit, mainly when I was sliding the coil in it's direction while pinpointing.
The total for today was $22.04. I also included all junk (as described above) that was recovered today.
Mick Evans.
[attachment 73925 RIMG1171.JPG]
The total for today was $22.04. I also included all junk (as described above) that was recovered today.
Mick Evans.
[attachment 73925 RIMG1171.JPG]