After doing the ground balance on my Golden Umax i was eager to get out . The opertunity came whith a request to go to the store i was elated . after stopping at the store and getting a lotto ticket i decided to go to my spot opon arival i was bummed out because i forgot my propointer and my magnet two tools that save me lots of time so armed whith my 7" widescan coil and lesh knife and the 18" wilcox digger i set out accross the feild soping to pick up any garbage i found this makes a good impression on the folks in town ,, finally i got to my spot and started to search along the wall of the building even thou its a new building i figure when you dig a foundation you turn up the old stuff so going along i got a few cladd dimes and some can slaw and some big chunks of iron and then it happened a deep high tone so i got out the lesh knife and made a straite cut about 2" deep and 6 " long then plunging the wilcox trowel down as deep as i could i pried up the target woo looks like a gold coin then opon closer examination it was french ( on the front it says REPVBLIQVE FRANCAISE and on the back LIBETE EGALITE FRATERNITE 2 FRANCS 1938 now this was when hitler came into power and to be a jew in france was not good i wonder if a family had to flee to america we must go we must go now said pa pa whith coins still in pocket the bouarded the ship and came to america -- NOW WE WILL BE SAFE FROM THAT HITTLER and laying down in the grass after the long and terrible jurny the coin fel out as a testimony of history - or senarion 2 G,I joe was in france and drove the natzys out and had some leftover coins from france and brought them back to minnesota and comming home thear was much celibration and jumping up and down whear the coin having made such a long trip fell from his poket and was stamped into the ground having been found by me the man for whom those soldeirs died yes they died to give me freedom even as jesus died to give us fredom from sin no they did not die so we could go about partying lick animals . they died to give us freedom to do good and enjoy things in life God bless all the solders of america