Thanks for the information. In researching Blakslee I found that he bought out another company in 1892 and changed the name of his company to Monitor something or other. I didn't go beyond that. Yes the plat was done on a drafting table. Everything 90 degrees, north, south, east and west. It sits in the mountains of eastern Washington in an area of silver mines. Thats where I'm from and the state I'm licensed in. I also have a copy of a hand drawn map of the town showing such things as "Comstock Saloon, Ma's Eats etc..Scribbled on the bottom of the page is a note "drawn in 1892". I have no idea if this is real or just a cartoon. The owners of the property have no information beyond a deed from their grandfather for several thousand acres which tells nothing about the townsite. The county personell were hospitable but were little help. Sometimes the title companys have information the county doesn't have. We know we are in the right area as we have found other things indicating the presence of a settlement. This phoney little map we have came out of a book about ghost towns. We have no idea where he got his information and although we have written the author we have received no response. Some of the local historians claim that particular author doesn't always tell it like it is and as you know one can become quite suspicious of undocumented information after a few years of surveying. We feel that if we were to identify this Item as to its use then we would have an idea as to which part of the town we are in and can go from there. Could have come out of a hotel or saloon or maybe an assay office.
Like you, metal detecting fulfills some of the things I enjoyed while working. I used to love to search for lost corners. What a thrill it was to find a corner stone or a withered up corner post that was set over a hundered years ago. You're right, best way to find your way home, just drive a stake in the ground and a piece of equipment will surley plow in and run over it.
Have a great day.