Not to be out-done, I've built an 1800 meter....OK, its a 180.0 meter without the decimal point. Its been half built for weeks but I just got the parts to finish it.
I'm not so happy with the design, I have to remove the cover to replace the battery. I need a rechargeable but not sure if I have the room for a charge plug.
I will see if I cant get rid of the extra digit. I just got it working and assembled to try out.
In the pictures you can see my shortened tornado coil cable and the jumper cable I made out of part of the tornado cable. I have a few ideas for the upgrade.
The tape is because I ripped the foam grip. Once it started it split fast...need a new one.
I also have a blue-tooth setup. I have mixed feelings about that. I love the wireless but even though this is one of the fastest units for a reasonable price, it still
has a delay that makes pinpointing somewhat difficult at first. I have had better finds since I started using the blue-tooth
so I don't think the delay has been a deterrent. Just my thoughts.
I'm not so happy with the design, I have to remove the cover to replace the battery. I need a rechargeable but not sure if I have the room for a charge plug.
I will see if I cant get rid of the extra digit. I just got it working and assembled to try out.
In the pictures you can see my shortened tornado coil cable and the jumper cable I made out of part of the tornado cable. I have a few ideas for the upgrade.
The tape is because I ripped the foam grip. Once it started it split fast...need a new one.
I also have a blue-tooth setup. I have mixed feelings about that. I love the wireless but even though this is one of the fastest units for a reasonable price, it still
has a delay that makes pinpointing somewhat difficult at first. I have had better finds since I started using the blue-tooth
so I don't think the delay has been a deterrent. Just my thoughts.