Hit a bunch of totters and sportsfields, for 3hrs this am...got this strange heavy object..I think it must be some sort of babbit?, its not pure lead, but equally as heavy, hard to scratch, pinged in high like a Q..[attachment 313291 may17-15.jpg].anywhoo. nothing of note really, there is some sort of strange foreign 50c coin that hit like a nickel, I wanted to take a closer look at it, but accidentally threw it in the tumbler, so we will have to wait for a few hours to see what it is...nice to find a lot of clean fresh drops that spend....totters here are swept clean around the toys, but theres money in the main areas especially way out in front of the swings, furthur than you would think a cremesicle eating fat kid could tumble!..the 70 can cover a 12' swath, so its good for sweeping the mains really fast if theres nothing under the toys...and, its the height of soccer and track season, so a guy has to go really fast and light early Sundays for beer money![attachment 313292 may17-15-1.jpg] I'm gonna call it a day and perhaps tumble some of my tarnished scrap silver coins using dryer lint as a matrix this afternoon...I remember reading somebody used it for wheaties a few years ago, and they came out nice and polished, so I wonder if it will work on silver? I'll take before and afters and report back...