Ed Steinhoff said:
Nice info on your new hot soil. I live in the high mineralization belt in the southern Colorado mtns. and my ground balance numbers always run between 82 to 93. Even a chiplot with 12 to 16 inches of wood chips will be 78 to 85. I very rarely get a signal with my f-70 at 5 inches. Everything is 1 to 4 inches. I always thought that the lack of any deeper silver was that it just wasn't there, but what you are saying is the heavy mineralization in the ground has "bounce back effect" that is blocking the deeper signals, and if so, what settings do you recommend, if any, to penetrate deeper?
HH Ed in co.
Here is what I have learned so far so maybe it will help.
Most of it is somewhere in these threads.
Then I kept practicing and now I can do this pretty easily...
I am getting tips and advice from lots of hunters on several forums about hunting in heavy mineralization.
Using smaller DD coils seem to work the best with all methods.
I was told that the deeper you go the higher the numbers on targets is normal in heavy iron mineralization.
My mid 70's wheaties and that merc all came in at low 90's numbers at 5" or deeper...consistently.
Where deep quarters, halves and dollars will be I have no idea.
I was also told there is a wraparound effect possible.
Very deep silver dimes could come in at iron.
I have worked on methods to get screen info on targets past 4"...audio seems to go deeper.
On factory settings and even bumped up I couldn't get screen info much past 3"...maybe up to 4".
I have found several settings that seem to get me decent screen info at 6" regularly now and that is an area that lots of good older targets seem to be hanging out.
It might be the same in your area, you never know.
I wonder what those short, sharp blank screen targets at 8" or deeper really are so I am going to start looking for and digging those.
Two WV brothers are using 0 disc, 4 tone, 80 sense, not sure about the thresh and listening for good tones, watching for flashes of coin numbers and having some success.
I have tried 0 disc, 1 disc which is a bit quieter and I suspect just as deep, maybe, 1 or 1F tones and thresh at 0 or higher, SL speed.
My soil is heavy with iron causing those high numbers.
Evidently theirs is not and the numbers are normal but their bad soil still limits depth.
This method is what I am trying the most now and I am growing fond of it.
What also works for me is all metal, thresh and sense maxed out, DE speed.
I found this merc using these settings.
It is pretty noisy and jumpy but not as much as you might think.
When I roll over good targets my F70 stops and tells me every time.
This is a method that works great for me in extremely heavy iron sites, but it took lots of time and practice to get comfortable with it and understand what I was seeing and hearing.
These methods are different than using normal settings and hunting in normal soil and I have experience with that, too.
It entails learning different numbers, different behavior...pretty much a different language than normal hunting.
I hate dealing with this soil but love the chance to learn my detector better so I can handle it.
When something new I try works and I actually think I am swinging over a deeper coin and then dig one...nothing better.
Now my task is to keep working and find a way to get screen info past 6", or if I can't figure out how to tell deeper coins with audio clues only.
All a challenge but I like challenges...if I am forced into it.