I was able to do a little detecting two days last week and found 14 cents one day and 6 cents the next day and they were all clad coins. 1-nickel, 1 dime and 5 pennies. Plus, a lot of trash, including a chain saw file. Glad it did not stick me, because it was all rusted up. I really enjoyed myself and even tho I did not find any old coins, I found peace, solitude and happiness. Guess that's what this hobby is all about to me. I wouldn't turn down any silver or nice relics, but that's not why I got into this hobby anyway. Our pastor is interested in metal detecting and used to do it when he was younger and I plan to get a backup detector and let him use it. I did tell him he would have to get his grandson to dig his targets for him, because it's all I can do to dig mine. He's been preaching for 40 years and knows everybody in this area of the state and I hope this will help me get into some areas to detect that might be closed otherwise. Plus, I will be able to have a hunting buddy and introduce him and his grandson to metal detecting again. The armadillos are digging up the church yard looking for grubs and earthworms and I showed him this so they would know I haven't been leaving holes in the church yard. I wish those little boogers would dig up something valuable for me or our pastor, that would be a real blessing and I would cover up their holes for them if they did that. lol.