Got a call from my old friend Larry from Norwich, Connecticut (about 20 miles from where I live) that a dear friend of his lost her wedding band in her yard and could I help???
How could I refuse a 92 years young lady a genuine effort to locate her lost treasure?
This afternoon at 2PM I met Larry and he took me to the lady's house (Circa 1709--2nd house on the site as the first had burned to the ground).
As we chatted prior to the search, I was told that the wedding band (it had been her mothers wedding band) had slipped off her finger because she had lost weight in the past few years, and that she had also lost her original wedding band and a heavy silver ring she had since childhood.
Suddenly there are now three rings, 2-gold and 1-silver to find.
Using the Infinium LS in an urban setting has its challenges. I pretty much ignored low high signals as I was looking for gold and didn't dig any of the high lows because the grass was thick, tho well trimmed and reason told me that the rings hadn't been there long enough to be forced beneath the soil.
A few bits of scrap metal later and the Vibra-Probe pin-pointer forced down through the grass exposed her original wedding band lost two years ago. It was barely under the surface of the soil and I handed it to the lady complete with a soil plug much to her amazement. It was a beauty of white and yellow gold.
Heartfelt hugs and a few tears latter I told her we still have a couple more to find and I started searching the path she had used the day she realized she had lost the other wedding band.
I found that as soon as I started swing in the opposite direction from my original search pattern I began getting severe high frequency interference. I spent a few moments tuning the machine to ignore the frequency chatter and returned to the search.
The lady had to go in the house to make a phone call and a couple of feet beyond where I was searching when she went inside the Infinium/Vibra-Probe combo located ring number two much to the astonishment of my friend Larry who had never seen a detector used before today.
We went inside telling the lady that it was getting cold outside so we decided to quit searching and she agreed . That was when Larry handed her the second ring. The sweet ladies gratitude was more than payment enough for less than an hour of my time and folks I look forward to the next time as much as this time.
I have have been happy to return 33 rings to date, each with it's own story, but few appreciated as much as these two.
GL&HH Friends,
No I didn't get pictures of the rings, I hardly even looked at them as I was too busy enjoying the moment and watching the response of my old and new friends. (Also I now have an open invite to search her yard any time I want!!!)
How could I refuse a 92 years young lady a genuine effort to locate her lost treasure?
This afternoon at 2PM I met Larry and he took me to the lady's house (Circa 1709--2nd house on the site as the first had burned to the ground).
As we chatted prior to the search, I was told that the wedding band (it had been her mothers wedding band) had slipped off her finger because she had lost weight in the past few years, and that she had also lost her original wedding band and a heavy silver ring she had since childhood.
Suddenly there are now three rings, 2-gold and 1-silver to find.
Using the Infinium LS in an urban setting has its challenges. I pretty much ignored low high signals as I was looking for gold and didn't dig any of the high lows because the grass was thick, tho well trimmed and reason told me that the rings hadn't been there long enough to be forced beneath the soil.
A few bits of scrap metal later and the Vibra-Probe pin-pointer forced down through the grass exposed her original wedding band lost two years ago. It was barely under the surface of the soil and I handed it to the lady complete with a soil plug much to her amazement. It was a beauty of white and yellow gold.
Heartfelt hugs and a few tears latter I told her we still have a couple more to find and I started searching the path she had used the day she realized she had lost the other wedding band.
I found that as soon as I started swing in the opposite direction from my original search pattern I began getting severe high frequency interference. I spent a few moments tuning the machine to ignore the frequency chatter and returned to the search.
The lady had to go in the house to make a phone call and a couple of feet beyond where I was searching when she went inside the Infinium/Vibra-Probe combo located ring number two much to the astonishment of my friend Larry who had never seen a detector used before today.
We went inside telling the lady that it was getting cold outside so we decided to quit searching and she agreed . That was when Larry handed her the second ring. The sweet ladies gratitude was more than payment enough for less than an hour of my time and folks I look forward to the next time as much as this time.
I have have been happy to return 33 rings to date, each with it's own story, but few appreciated as much as these two.
GL&HH Friends,
No I didn't get pictures of the rings, I hardly even looked at them as I was too busy enjoying the moment and watching the response of my old and new friends. (Also I now have an open invite to search her yard any time I want!!!)