I was blown away by each of these babies when they showed themselves. I have never before found a half dime. Honestly couldnt beleive when these two came out of the ground. The 1/2 reale sounded OK, I knew it had a good chance of being a coin, it was reading about 12-38 and was repeatable, and I was in an area where I had found large cents and a 2-center on previous trips. So now I figure If anything repeats, Im digging because, who knows? The half dime was my last target of the day, it was getting dark. It was very iffy. It was bouncing around from 11-38 to 27-40 or so, very bouncy, and I figured there was a very good chance it was going to be junk. (Yes, all the way up to 27 on the FE side) But the thing was, it was repeating. There was definitely something down there to at least check out, my etrac was telling me. When that tiny little coin came out I freaked out. I knew it was tiny and silver but didnt know exactly what it was. I was so afraid that Id scratched it. I gave it a rinse and wow was I suprised, my first ever HALF dime! Wow. I still cant beleive it. It was pretty deep too, maybe 5" or so. I cant beleive I found it. It just seems like such a tiny coin, so easy to miss. This site is just littered with old iron. I think it may have been a metal working shop. I have found old buttons and buckle looking things, and a lot of scrap metal. Everything here so far is super old. I guess I dont mind digging super-old junk.
Well really I havent been finding a whole lot this past spring but Ive been super busy with other things....I have made some other decent finds but nothing like this. So it just goes to show get out there and do some digging and you never know.
Good luck everyone.
Edie: At first when I posted this I thought I had two firsts, but that is a half-reale, not a 1 reale like I originally thought.
Edit: I only found the two coins, and the penny is for scale.
Well really I havent been finding a whole lot this past spring but Ive been super busy with other things....I have made some other decent finds but nothing like this. So it just goes to show get out there and do some digging and you never know.
Good luck everyone.

Edie: At first when I posted this I thought I had two firsts, but that is a half-reale, not a 1 reale like I originally thought.
Edit: I only found the two coins, and the penny is for scale.