I got to do a little metal detecting yesterday and found a 1991 & 1973 penney and a lot of junk. Why do rusted nails register as coin? Really paid the price for going metal detecting with a sore elbow. I have developed a spur from an injury back in 1995 and I guess the doctor is gonna have to give me something for it. Can't even swing a detector today. Why does old rusted metal have such a high conductivity rating? Just curious. Rusted metal and nails always sound like a coin to me and the nails register as a B target.
My spending some extra time with my GTI-2500 is paying off because I can easily tell when there are two and sometimes three targets under the coil. I dug up a small piece of metal that looked like a key for a pump mount and then a small screw and finally a small piece of rusted wire from the same hole. The small piece of wire was hard to find, but the propointer finally helped me find it. Without the propointer I would probably still be trying to sort it out. It is the best little tool in the world.
My spending some extra time with my GTI-2500 is paying off because I can easily tell when there are two and sometimes three targets under the coil. I dug up a small piece of metal that looked like a key for a pump mount and then a small screw and finally a small piece of rusted wire from the same hole. The small piece of wire was hard to find, but the propointer finally helped me find it. Without the propointer I would probably still be trying to sort it out. It is the best little tool in the world.