Finally had a chance to get out for a couple hours yesterday, between working two jobs and the snowstorm we had recently. Hit a couple of tot lots first figuring the ground would be less frozen. Was able to scratch up a couple bucks in clad in a couple of hours, time was running out as I told the wife I would be back shortly to eat dinner. On the way back I saw an old restaurant and bar that was closed and for sale so I figured I would hit the parking lot real quick found a few more shallow coins but I noticed that they had torn up the sun deck in front of the place so I checked in there and hit the jackpot. I found 5.00 in a matter of minutes some of the coins were sitting on top of the ground all the rest were very shallow. I'm sure I did not get them all as there were plenty of nails and screws from the deck to mask stuff so I will have to try another day. Anyway hope every ones day was a good one thanks for looking and........................ Keep looking down
coin count
20 quarters
4 nickles
8 dimes
25 pennies