I don't tumble anything collectible.
However, tumbling is a great/fast way to clean clad to spend it. I wait until I've got a 'load'.
Be careful to tumble dime, nickels and quarters together...and tumble the pennies by themselves. This is important!
If you tumble pennies/clad together, the electro chemical reaction will transfer copper to the nickel metals, and all your clad and nickels will be a pinkish red.
The shinny part of clad is 25% nickel and 75% copper. If you were to be really picky, you should probably do the pure nickels separately as well...but I'm far too impatient/lazy for that.
There's several media you can use, but probably the most common, and lowest effort, is to use aquarium gravel, a little dish soap, and perhaps a dash of vinegar (especially for the pennies.)
I'm sure there are dozens of posts with recommendations, and other 'secret sauce' formulas.
(BTW I bought the cheapest tumbler Harbor Freight had on sale...seems to work fine.)