After beating this area i have been hunting this past year to death, and the finds becoming more and more far and in between i decided to switch over to TTF and slow way down.Boy did it pay off.The first keeper i dug was a 1912 barber quarter that made my day when i seen it pop out.A few minutes later this beautiful 1908 barber quarter showed its face and then low and behold the 1958 washington followed by two 1964 rosies in the same hole(always rescan the hole)a 1945 washington,a 1941 merc and then the 1865 indian head penny.I gotta tell you that i know for a fact that i have passed over these coins probably 5 or 6 times and i would say shocked but amazed at the etrac is more like it.If there is a better detector on the market i would be surprised