Active member
I opened quickmask and moved the cursor to the right until I saw 6, and then up until I saw 32. This gave me a mostly open screen, only eliminating iron and foil trash. it works well in spots where there is not a lot of junk, but you know there may be coins among iron, bottle caps, or screw-caps. The park I was at is one of these parks. We have hit it multiple times and I am sure all the easy targets are gone. I encountered spots where there was a LOT of ear candy from junk, but mostly the hunt was quiet. I have the machine set up so that it will scream on anything above a penny (really high pitched). It stops you in your tracks, and that is exactly what I want. Here was the days haul...1 Merc dime (1935), 3 wheats (1916, 42D, 53D) and $3.62 in change. a warm enjoyable day. First time I could wear shorts this year.
Happy Hunting,
PS. The marks you see on the face of the wheats is carbon pencil. I use this trick to bring up the dates...DO NOT do this with large cents or other valuable copper coins.
Happy Hunting,
PS. The marks you see on the face of the wheats is carbon pencil. I use this trick to bring up the dates...DO NOT do this with large cents or other valuable copper coins.