M.L. Hinds
After using disc. mode today I tried some other settings cause I wasnt finding much!! I switched to motion all metal and swept nice and slow.. I was amazed at what was happening I kept my eye on the id numbers and the depth meter on the left of the screen ( this mode you will have to go slower cause targets are everywhere!) Anyway, It was like hitting big and small speed bumps and you can seperate targets right next to one another with the ID.... I started digging quarters,dimes,pennies, and one nickel which was the oldest coin (1961) And most of the time the confidence meter was pretty high on coins The seperation between targets right next to one anther was super good!! Just try it and see what I am talking about!! Its a little different but once you start to figure it out it will amaze you I think!! You have to watch the meter cause the numbers change fast when targets are close.. Make sure to run senc. as high as can be dellt with and manual ground balance! I am gonna need to take the to a couple older sites than where I was today!! Two of the quarters had pull tabs right beside them cause when I pinpointed it was pinpointing the tabs and then I would check hole again and it was a quarter next to the tab!!!
take Care, M.L. Hinds
take Care, M.L. Hinds