This sort of thing is why I decided long ago to keep my SS2 even if I ever upgraded to a so-called "deeper" detector with a bazillion more bells and whistles costing a bazillion more dollars. Not only will an SS2 give a 7-year-old the ability to reasonably compete with detectors costing a bazillion dollars more, but it's a living testament that unlike other manufacturers, Tesoro doesn't cut corners on QUALITY WHERE IT COUNTS (discrimination and trash separation) on it's lower-end detectors. You get fewer bells and whistles, but you're just as solid as anyone else where it counts. It's why I'm a huge fan of Tesoro even tho I use another brand with a lot more bells and whistles as my primary detector these days.
But mainly, Warren's post demonstrates the ONE inescapable truth that faces anyone with ANY detector alive: You gotta be where you can find 'em in order to find 'em.
Looks like you're teaching your children well so far, Warren.