My Name is Alex and I came from Austria.I have a Whites Mxt pro and a Minelab Terra 705 and now I have a chance to buy an troy Shadow X5. But there have a high Serialnumber (over 900 hundred). Is this good or is this bad?
Are the lower Serialnumber better? Go the deeper or what is the different between higher or lower Serials.
I hope you can help me.
Thank you very much and sorry for my bad English!
Nice Greets Alex!
My Name is Alex and I came from Austria.I have a Whites Mxt pro and a Minelab Terra 705 and now I have a chance to buy an troy Shadow X5. But there have a high Serialnumber (over 900 hundred). Is this good or is this bad?
Are the lower Serialnumber better? Go the deeper or what is the different between higher or lower Serials.
I hope you can help me.
Thank you very much and sorry for my bad English!
Nice Greets Alex!