I've used a Shadow X-5 for over two years now. In my opinion it is the most sensitive machine I have ever used..... and the depth I get with the 9 inch coil is remarkable. d-2, another poster here can testify to the fact that I have dug .57/.58 3-ringers at 12-14 inches.... based on the blade length of the Lesche D-handle shovel we use. One annoying factor, is that I have "chased" smaller "good" hitting targets around... only to find that they turn out to be #6 squirrel shot in a portion of dead tree branch.
I have dug more percussion caps and like-size targets since owning this machine than ever...... smaller caliber pistol balls, and such. I've been working "hunted-out" sites for the 2 years I've had the machine, and it has almost been like finding new sites.
Another great advantage after previously swinging around a Garrett Grand Master Hunter CX III, is the weight of this machine..... can't remember but think it's like 2.5 pounds..... loaded with a of one 9 volt battery, which gets me about 25 or so hunting hours.
No, I do not work for Troy.... nor do I work for David Keith, yet I will attest to Troy's products..... and to David's sales and service.
Yes, David carries the X-5.... and go ahead and get a Lesche shovel, if they're still available.... a remarkable digging tool.... cuts through those nasty roots and such.
Okay, it's long enough.... take care,