Sold my Bounty Hunter and saved up the rest for a Sunray X-12. It's a 12.5" coil. Just got it today so I took it for a spin at the park. (although I thought I'd use it more for the beach) I still have a long way to go with it, but it handled my trashy park real well. I probably did more listening than digging but what I did dig was DEEP. ( a couple of wheaties). Pinpointing targets was not as hard as I thought it would be. I just picked up the signal and moved the tip of the coil back until the signal disappeared... Wasn't off by much on the first one I dug. I'm going to have to bring a ruler with me next time I go
The wheaties, while deep, sounded nice and "flutey" for all you ExpII users. I'm going to need a good day just to spend digging anything that's deep even remotely sounds good. Problem is, digging that deep takes a little longer; but it's fun!
To be continued..
To be continued..