The matter how to set an X-Terra with a "more positive" or "more negative" ground balance has been an ongoing topic of discussion for a long time. Unlike some other makes and models many are familiar with, to make the X-Terra operate more positive, you must lower the Ground Phase number. Obversely, to make the detector operate with a more negative ground setting, you'd have to increase the Ground Phase number. Here are a couple earlier posts that might help explain the "positive / negative" Ground Phase. JMHO HH Randy,577496,579821#msg-579821
Ground Balance is basically the detector's ability to compensate for the adverse effects of the ground. The numbers represented by setting the GB do not really represent the actual mineralization of the ground. They might better be thought of as a pre-established number, representing the ground phase required by the X-70 to compensate for the effects of mineralization. The most positive GB setting on the X-Terra 70 is the setting of 1. And, this represents the most highly mineralized ground compensation setting achievable by the X-Terra 70. As the ground phase levels decrease, you will be able to use less-positive GB settings up to a point you might reach the least positive GB setting of 90.,516096,516258#msg-516258
I think of Ground Balance as the most basic form of discrimination in that the GB setting "discriminates" out the ground effects. Your job in setting your GB is to neutralize the effects of that mineralization. It is a bit confusing in that the words used to describe mineralization and GB settings seem opposite of what you would expect. A setting of 1 is the most positive GB setting you can have with the X-Terra 70. And, the more mineralized the ground, the more positive setting you will need. A setting of 90 is the least positive GB setting of the X-70. And, the lower the mineralization, the less positive setting you will need. So, as mineralization increases, a more positive GB setting (lower X-Terra GB number) will be required to neutralize it. And, as the mineralization decreases, a less positive GB setting (a higher X-Terra GB number) will be required to neutralize the lower mineralized soil. See. I told you it was confusing!!!
Look at it this way..... if you are hunting a site that requires the X-70 to be GB at 45, and you move to another site that requires a GB setting of 30, the mineralization levels of the second site are higher than the first site. Then, if you move to a third site that will GB at 55, it is lower mineralization than either of the first two sites.
GB settings represent the amount "compensation" that the X-Terra requires to neutralize the effects of mineralization in the soil you are hunting. As I said, the lower the number, the more positive the setting will be, as required for higher levels of mineralization. And the higher the number, the less positive the setting will be for areas with lower levels of mineralization. Your objective is to set the X-Terra so that the ground mineralization has no more effect on producing an audio reponse to a target than if you were holding the coil steady in the air. I set my GB with a very low sensitivity setting. Once you properly set the GB, I raise the sensitivity setting so that it is just below a point of becoming erratic. That way I know I have neutralized the sounds made by the mineralization, maximized the depth and sensitivity to small targets, and can concentrate on either digging everything metallic, or setting the discrimination Patterns to reject various ferrous and/or conductive targets. HH Randy