I work at a fundraising company as a driver and seeing that we deal mainly with schools, I know where all the schools are. As I mentioned in my last post I really like detecting at schools. One school we did business with was very old with multiple buildings all around and so I couldn't pass it up...I went back there that following weekend. I was only there for about a half hour when a Range Rover pulled up to me with a very attractive older woman inside. I was expecting the usual detecting questions but instead she said "What are you doing here?". I said, "Oh just metal detecting." "Well this is a private school..." she said "and you have to leave or I'll call the cops!" I apologized and quickly left. I want to point out that I saw no trespassing signs whatsoever or anything to indicate that I wasn't supposed to be there. However, we should always respect those who tell us to leave we don't want to give detectorists a bad name.I did in fact left that school with a 1943 half dollar and two Mercury dimes...that will be our little secret. Until next time...good hunting!