New member
Someone asked me a question the other day. They wanted to know if I was a "treasure hunter" or a "detectorist". I had to think for a minute before I answered. I finally said, " I am a detectorist". A "treasure hunter" to me is someone like Mel Fisher or Mr. Mahan from D-Tex years ago. It is someone who researches, gets permission, fills out contracts, and goes for the "big stuff" and many times on a full-time basis. I believe I am a "detectorist" because I am absolutely facinated by metal detector technology. I can go coin shooting all day and it doesnt matter to me if I get rich or find the "big one". I just enjoy using the machines, being outdoors, and fellowshipping with other hobbyists wherever I meet them. If I find neat stuff, old coins, or caches then it is just a plus to an already great pasttime. So I ask you the same question. Are you a "treasure hunter" or a "detectorist" or maybe both?