So here is how it happened ... Lady at work, not having the best day, decides she absolutely has to clean her office. "Damn hot flashes; everyone leaves their junk in my spaces; I'VE HAD IT" and she starts dumping the desk drawers in the trash. So I retrieve the trash can (just to make sure anything that might be in the least way proprietary is taken care of) and I start finding things I need; like a new roll of tape, half a box of staples, binder clips and pens. (Not completely paperless yet in the office). Then I spot some shiny stuff. I went back over to her cube and asked if she knew she threw out some jewelry and she says "I want nothing to do with that junk. I don't know where it came from, get rid of it". I look a little closer and there are a couple of junk rings and a junk necklace but there is a tiny little ring that just looks right. Out comes the magnifier and, sure enough, it says 14K and the two tiny little stones just have that good look to them. I go back over and say that I think you pitched a gold ring. "Just ... Just GO AWAY. I don't care if you found a winning power ball ticket in the trash, JUST GET IT OUT OF MY OFFICE". So I did ... with the little 1.0 gram ring; but heck; it's gold.
I'll check one more time when she is in a better frame of mind ... I don't think the ring comes close to fitting any of her fingers, but I'll give it one last try to make sure.
I'll check one more time when she is in a better frame of mind ... I don't think the ring comes close to fitting any of her fingers, but I'll give it one last try to make sure.
