I spend a lot of time deep sea fishing (open field super deepie hunting), but I like to hunt the impossible superhigh-trash trashy spots too since I know the XS can see the goodies where others could not.
First of all Jim brings up an excellent point when he asks what type of trash and how much is there, it's easy to be general but in most cases types of trash and how much trash mean everything when it comes to settings and sweep. I will give you one scenario I'm familiar with and you can say if it close to yours.
<UL><LI>Giant Oak tree in the center of a city park</UL>- the area surrounding the tree say within a 40 Yd diameter is just blanketed by several layers of PULLTABS, BOTTLE CAPS, TWIST TOPS, and FOIL, also toss in a couple handfuls of RUSTY NAILS and some BRASS FITTINGS. Okay, wow!!! that's pretty trashy, not the worst by far but still a real challenge for most hunters. Anyway, this is how I would handle this problem area, SEMI-AUTO (16 to 32 depending on the actual trash level), FAST RECOVERY, CUSTOM COIN PATTERN, VERY SLOW SWEEP (again depending on the actual trash level, a 1/2ft to a foot per sec sweep). I would just add that it is surprising how high you can set your sensitivity and still hear goodies within the trash but I don't recommend trying it until you are fairly certain you can't get any more using most all proven technique's and smaller coils. It's almost like the deepie makes a quantum leap from under the blanket of trash to the top of the blanket of trash, are maybe it finds it's way around the trash evenly so it still pinpoint's, not sure but it's real neat when you get one.
It's nice when the trash is such that you can hunt without rejecting anything because you really can get a good feel for the right sweep speed by hearing everything, it's like hearing a line of pulltab beeps all in just one sweep, add 2 pieces of foil and an 8" silver dime and it my be like this (all in one 4 to 5 second sweep)--beep-beepbeep- beep-blat-beep-beep-blat- beep-beepBINGblat-beep- beep.
The BING of course being the sliver dime.
If you were running in DEEP mode, sensitivity say at 32 manual and you were sweeping at a rate of 3ft per sec then you would never have heard the high coin BING of that silver dime, in fact you probably wouldn't even hear the foil, just the tabs and caps.
This scenario can adjusted to fit one closer to a similarly trashy site. Now this is just one possible technique to use, in different situations a different technique may give better results. Nice thing about Findmall, the different hunting environments and conditions many hunters are faced with can give a rich diversity of ideas and tips. What works here might not work there, certainly this Oak tree scenario is just one example of many possible types of trashy sites and setting that can be used.
Hope I didn't go too far off the beaten path with my answer <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
