However, it can only be a good decision if the Racer provides the features you would like as well as improved production hunting the same sites you're used to working. You asked a good question, but didn't supply readers with other needed details such as the type of ground you hunt, the kind of detecting you prefer to do [size=small](urban Coin Hunting or out-of-the-way Relic Hunting)[/size], or an idea of how much experience you have had metal detecting in general, or familiarity of different control functions. Also, give some idea why you would be considering the Racer or any7 other makes and models you mention.
sidney said:
I would like some Info on the Race as to what to do
First, make a list of what you expect a detector to do, of the features that you would be interested in having, and even the features that don't interest you. Compare that list to all the models you're considering. Only you, at this point, know your experience and the types of sites you like to hunt and the conditions [size=small](ground mineralization and/or trash level)[/size] you would typically deal with.
sidney said:
I have a Blisstool that I did not use that much and My friend who owns a Detector / civil war store, said he will trade me a MXT, or f70 or a Racer Detector or some other detector that I choose around the $ 650 price range.
First some questions:
Why do you have a Blisstool? What was the reason you got it, and what do you like and not-like about it?
What detector(s) have you owned before?
What types of sites do you search and what are you looking for, and is there much ferrous trash, such as nails, etc.?
Why didn't you use the Blisstool very much?
As for detector considerations, the Makro Racer has only been on the market for about 9 months to the consumers. It is a newer engineered detector and has been showing itself to be an excellent detector for many hunting applications, especially working in very iron infested sites.
The White's MXT is a very dated model [size=small](15 years or more)[/size] that should have been discontinued long ago as the 'replacement' MXT Pro had enhanced features and was the better purchase value.
The Fisher F70 has also been around a long time, is very seldom spoken of compared to all the other Fisher brand models, and is kind of 'dated' in many ways.
ME I don't view any of those as being a model to consider, if you want something more current, more modern useful features, and a lot of value for the investment.
sidney said:
So my question to you who have racer what do you think about this Detector, or the ones at top ( MXT, F70, etc.)
If the dealer's suggestions would have been a new White's MXT All-Pro or a 'Classic' Teknetics T2 I would consider those better competition for the new detector spot, and of those two I'd suggest the T2. But you have more options than those two, and I would encourage you to consider a Makro Racer or Nokta FORS CoRe, and make sure you either get the Pro package or just purchase the smaller-size DD coil [size=small](4.7X5.2 which I refer to as a
'OOR' coil since it is just out-of-round)[/size] because these models are absolute killers in any densely littered site, especially in iron trash.
sidney said:
Is the detector deep and does it do good around Iron etc?
Yes, to me it is. But what is YOUR definition of 'DEEP?' Also, do you plan to search for larger-size targets? Do you hunt sites that have an annoying amount of trash, which can mask deeper targets? If a site is clean,
of ALL metal targets, then you can anticipate getting reasonable target depth, but if there is shallower masking a deeper target, then 'depth' isn't going to be achieved.
Read some of the user's comments about their experiences with the Racer and you'll find many answers to your questions. A simple biased answer would be to get a Racer Pro Pack.