From Metal Detector Reviews:
Dick Perrone in Redwood Valley, Calif -
" I use the Tracker IV for most of my park hunting as it knocks out the iron. Here is how I set it up.
Turn the sensitivity to 90%, the toggle swtch to tone, the disc. knob full clockways. Now you will hear 3 tone I.D.
High tone will be silver, low tone will be pulltabs,gold,nickels, mixed tone will be clad pennies-trash.
Here is what I do, dig all siver and gold tones, forget the clad penny signals (dig a few to see)
If you go over a target and it will not produce a steady tone FORGET IT you are wasting your time....It will consistantly find good targets, you HAVE to dig the pull tabs if you want gold it gets frustratin sometimes.. goes with the territory.
It is a great hunt machine as it will drive the Whites machines out of your area (he he) to prove that, I have won 1st place in the FMDAC National hunt in 1999 and 1st place in the AMDAC National This year. Got my picture in the E&W treasure magazine both times. The Tracker IV rules. I leave it in the car at 140 degrees with no harm. Use a set of small earphone and you will get 25 hrs on the batteries." Hope this helps
Nov 07, 2005