Sounds like friendlier ground than we have..
There should be a serial number somewhere.
Might be kind of hard to read though.
I just grabbed one that I had found..
On the bottom, it says "matchbox series No 45".
That is how you can get the appx date.
Here is a list of the models.
The vast majority you will find will be the "I-75"
series. You can look at #45, which had an "A and B"
version. Mine was the ford corsair. Mine came
with a boat, but was long gone by the time I
found it. Mine is totally intact, but some
scratches on the paint, and as usual , rusted
wheels and axles.
I think I may have found yours, and yep, one version
did come with grey metal wheels..
The original version came out in 1955, and the
first of the 2nd version 57.. Yours is one of those
first two, and the 2nd of the 2nd version had grey
plastic wheels. So it's 55-57 or so vintage.
Here, our ground eats those alive.. Rare to find one
with even moving wheels. I found a corvette that was
ate in half ...Fell apart as I dug it up. I think a
clump of fertilizer got it... Some I find are pretty
decent , except for the frozen wheels.. IE: the corsair,
and the 63 German model bus I found.