Charles (Sabre)(Tx)
New member
Got out a little today ...about 3 hours...with my new/used Explorer SE Pro. I only have the stock 11" pro coil now but am waiting for a new 6X8 SEF to arrive. I've never owned a SE Pro before...but I have owned a couple Explorer XS's, an Etrac, a CTX3030 and a Explorer II in the past. I've enjoyed them all. I found a good deal on this SE Pro so I bought it and took it out to an old church that has history clear back to the 1860's. I didn't break the 1900 barrier nor did I find any silver but I did manage to scrounge up a couple of nice coins. One being a 1907 V Nickel and the other a 1903 Indian Head penny. It was a tough hunt as this place has been hunted hard for many many years. However...persistence and a new/used SE Pro paid off. BTW...they were about 6" deep in a field of square nails. I'll be going back when my 6X8 SEF coil arrives. HH