Here's the mod I mentioned on the other forum. Thanks to all who emailed with their request to see it.
It's nothing more than a self adhesive silicone bumper for the bottom of knick knacks, etc. You'd put these on something if you didn't want it to slide around or mar the top of a cabinet.
I got some at the local Home Depot ( the 2nd largest retailer in the US, by the way...). They were like, $3.50 for 20 of them - sumpin' like that. I also got some others from an industrial supply house in 100 piece sheets! I got square ones and I got domed ones. I prefer the domed ones.
This is a mod ANYONE with these tactile pads on their detector should make, IMHO. Garrett got wind of it, it seems, and has gone to rockers on the 250. These sorts of little things really make a difference in usability.
I also put a piece of clear packing tape over the bank of tactile control pads on the `1350. You can't readily see that in the pic. This keeps the pads from getting all grungy and worn-down funky. Helps resale later, too. Now, does anyone know where I can get a dust cover for the thing?
If you wanna send me a SASE, I'll send you a few of the little bumpers. 2-3 should last you a long while... Just email your request to me.
Thanks to Donny in NJ, a forum lurker on the Fisher forums. The bumper idea came from him...
It's nothing more than a self adhesive silicone bumper for the bottom of knick knacks, etc. You'd put these on something if you didn't want it to slide around or mar the top of a cabinet.
I got some at the local Home Depot ( the 2nd largest retailer in the US, by the way...). They were like, $3.50 for 20 of them - sumpin' like that. I also got some others from an industrial supply house in 100 piece sheets! I got square ones and I got domed ones. I prefer the domed ones.
This is a mod ANYONE with these tactile pads on their detector should make, IMHO. Garrett got wind of it, it seems, and has gone to rockers on the 250. These sorts of little things really make a difference in usability.
I also put a piece of clear packing tape over the bank of tactile control pads on the `1350. You can't readily see that in the pic. This keeps the pads from getting all grungy and worn-down funky. Helps resale later, too. Now, does anyone know where I can get a dust cover for the thing?
If you wanna send me a SASE, I'll send you a few of the little bumpers. 2-3 should last you a long while... Just email your request to me.
Thanks to Donny in NJ, a forum lurker on the Fisher forums. The bumper idea came from him...