Went through my notebook on totals found and thought it would be interesting to share it,,
When I got back in the hobby last year around April,, I wasent writing down totals,, wish I had,, so it only starts from August of 08
August 08 (519) 1 Large cent 1854 1 Ring
September (320) 1 merc 2 silver rosies 9 wheats
October (277) 1 Large cent 1820 1 V nickle
November (1
(took time out for deer season
January 09 (41) All Clad
Feb 09 (472) 1 class ring,, I silver medallion (returned to owner) 1 IH 1901 1 seroity
necklace 3 wheats
March and counting (29
4 wheats 1 silver quarter, 1 large cent,, no date to corroded 1 IH 1903 , 1 silver foreign coin, 1863
on a side note, for two years I had complained about weird sensations in my lower legs and face,, muscle spasms,, uinable to tell difference between hot and cold,, we would try to go fishing and I found I had to keep a blanket over my legs to keep them warm,, if its below 50 degreesout,, I cant go out without putting long johns and two pair of socks on,, doctor after doctor,, neuros after neuros,, all told me it was my back,, it wasent until a bright young neuro took a biopsy of my lower leg did we find a answer,, its periphal nerve damage,, and i;m not diabetic,, they diagnosed me with a autoimmune disease thats destroying the nerves in my legs and face,, so it will probably be only a matter of time before I either end up in a wheelchair or they put me on heavy doses of immunosuppresents to slow down the assult my immune system which is attacking my body,,which is bad for me since I have a immune deficiency,, and the drugs will open me back up to more infections,, which I have had many,, 5 sinus surgerys,in 2 years, all of which revealed a fungal infection,, which i still take meds for, its getting harder to go metal detecting,, and I will miss it horribly,, I go out in a field and pretty much stagger around on legs that dont work right anymore. s ometimes I cant feel the pedals in the car,, and I guess its only a matter of time before they take my drivers license also,, and the sad part is they all think I can go back to my job as a electrician,, thats the biggest stressor,, hardly able to walk,, feel ing like I let my family down, and not knowing what the future will hold,, its scary,, sorry for the rant,,but i;ll keep detecting until i either cant walk,, or I f igure out a way to do it from a wheelchair,, for goodness sakes,, I;m only 53 sigh
When I got back in the hobby last year around April,, I wasent writing down totals,, wish I had,, so it only starts from August of 08
August 08 (519) 1 Large cent 1854 1 Ring
September (320) 1 merc 2 silver rosies 9 wheats
October (277) 1 Large cent 1820 1 V nickle
November (1
January 09 (41) All Clad
Feb 09 (472) 1 class ring,, I silver medallion (returned to owner) 1 IH 1901 1 seroity
necklace 3 wheats
March and counting (29
on a side note, for two years I had complained about weird sensations in my lower legs and face,, muscle spasms,, uinable to tell difference between hot and cold,, we would try to go fishing and I found I had to keep a blanket over my legs to keep them warm,, if its below 50 degreesout,, I cant go out without putting long johns and two pair of socks on,, doctor after doctor,, neuros after neuros,, all told me it was my back,, it wasent until a bright young neuro took a biopsy of my lower leg did we find a answer,, its periphal nerve damage,, and i;m not diabetic,, they diagnosed me with a autoimmune disease thats destroying the nerves in my legs and face,, so it will probably be only a matter of time before I either end up in a wheelchair or they put me on heavy doses of immunosuppresents to slow down the assult my immune system which is attacking my body,,which is bad for me since I have a immune deficiency,, and the drugs will open me back up to more infections,, which I have had many,, 5 sinus surgerys,in 2 years, all of which revealed a fungal infection,, which i still take meds for, its getting harder to go metal detecting,, and I will miss it horribly,, I go out in a field and pretty much stagger around on legs that dont work right anymore. s ometimes I cant feel the pedals in the car,, and I guess its only a matter of time before they take my drivers license also,, and the sad part is they all think I can go back to my job as a electrician,, thats the biggest stressor,, hardly able to walk,, feel ing like I let my family down, and not knowing what the future will hold,, its scary,, sorry for the rant,,but i;ll keep detecting until i either cant walk,, or I f igure out a way to do it from a wheelchair,, for goodness sakes,, I;m only 53 sigh