Went to the beach to try it in the water. At first it went CRAZY!! after tuning it down I got to where I could use it in the water. SENS was set at 2 bars and could not ground balance. Anyway I found some stuff and was OK with it. NOW I get home( hour drive back) I turn it on just to check it and IT'S JUST GOING CRAZY WITH THE IRON TONE SOUND BLAIRING). I turn off the iron tone and the noise stops. but no beeps over a target. Looks like a call to Garrett first thing Monday morning. I was planning a water hunt for next weekend, but looks like that will be put on hold to send it back to garrett. Getting a little frustrated now. Back to Garrett for the THIRD time. Great machine, but can't keep on mailing it back at about $20 per shipping charge!!! Here' my finds from yesterday, picture taken with my new water carmera that's working fine!