John in Nawth Carolina
Active member
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What can I say. Went to the same area I hunted a few months ago with my EuroTek Pro...looking for coins. Had to turn down the sensitivity there was so much trash in the ground.
Finally got an iffy coin signal. Locked in fine on 75. However, it sputtered terribly. I guess the machine was trying to figure out if it was a coin or not. So I dug it anyway. Much to my surprise a .69 Minnie ball pops out. Armed with this info, I then concentrated on finding those iffy signals. All of them were from 3" to 4" deep.
The musket balls VDI jumped from 70-74.
This may have been my best ever CW relic day in terms of the number of good relics.
No coins, though. lol
What can I say. Went to the same area I hunted a few months ago with my EuroTek Pro...looking for coins. Had to turn down the sensitivity there was so much trash in the ground.
Finally got an iffy coin signal. Locked in fine on 75. However, it sputtered terribly. I guess the machine was trying to figure out if it was a coin or not. So I dug it anyway. Much to my surprise a .69 Minnie ball pops out. Armed with this info, I then concentrated on finding those iffy signals. All of them were from 3" to 4" deep.
The musket balls VDI jumped from 70-74.
This may have been my best ever CW relic day in terms of the number of good relics.
No coins, though. lol