Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
took the 6x10 eclips out again and love the fast coverage it gives in the tot lot and amazingly its as good as the 4x6 as far as working in the high trash spots i finds no difrence you just have to come at the targets from one position so every thing is cleaned out behind and you can pick right thrue the trash around tables and so on seems to give me pull tabs as nickles ,, well i found a necklace, gold plated two quarters 2 dimes many pennys this coil was picking dimes out like a dreem next to the concrete found a copper medaloin that says something about the sea has a turtle on it really this is a great coil but i have yet to get a excelerator 5" coil love to trade my 4x6 for one the 6x10 is like a little bigfoot coil and very good in the high target zones beutifull day the best find