I headed out to a baseball diamond, only to see 3/4 of it still covered with a foot of snow. So......I wandered to a couple of sites where the south facing slopes were dry, and even sometimes even permeable with a digger or relic shovel. The AT Pro had the 9" x 12" concentric coil on it, so I hunted the more wider open spots of available hunting grounds. The AT Gold was used with the 5" x 8" coil in tight to reach places. I hunted using the zero discrimination mode on both, with the iron audio set at 40 and turned on. I dug most targets at VDI readings of 60+ if they sounded stable and repeatable in all directions. No silver coins were found, but the potential was there. I settled with under a dollar in change, hunting 6 hours in the field with the temperature 3 degrees above freezing. That rewarded me a huge appetite for food, a good workout and an excellent night's sleep.
Amongst my travels, I found a patch of wild sage. The natives around here have used it for healing puposes, smoking it in peace pipes and smudging for religious ceremonials for thousands of years. My wife and I have some Cree friends, and they did a very touching smudging ceremony for my son's death last year. The herb remains very special to me, so I bound up the batch and smudged our house with it, as it has a very nice aroma to it.
The potential for silver was there, however, not today. I got a couple of Wheat Cents along with an old 30-06 cartridge which looked like someone has tossed it in a fire. Both the projectile and firing pin blasted out, living the remaining cartridge metal all mangled. A real stupid thing to do....I hope nobody was hurt when it fired.
I dug this weird thingy? Some kind of electrical device. Has anyone ever worked with explosives? I was wondering if this might be an old blasting cap of some sort. It remains a mystery to me.
Nothing I would part-take in, but I must say the person who was glass-blowing and made this glass "BONG" was very talented. At the same time, I couldn't help to think his brain might look like the design on the front bowl of the pipe.