Hi reddirtfisher, I agree wholeheartedly with you and also have to say that John(Tx) nailed it down with his thoughts about the over inflated value of finds being made by folks in their Ads. I brought out that point also a while back on one of the discussions about the TV shows most every one is so disappointed in. Recently they toned the values down some on one of the new shows, but as I mentioned before, the "ADVERTIZING" by some mfg. cos.'. has most certainly not decreased the value of" finds" in their ads.. That tells us all we need to know about where the real heart of the matter lies. It is all about increased sales to the vast masses of gullible potential "Newbies" out in TV land . They tone down any specific detector info and display on the TV shows, along with a somewhat newly subdued value of finds they" Must Always" jaw about . That is supposed to somewhat "pacify" us old diggers. Seed has now been planted , and later a big dose of fertilizer is seen in some metal detector add, flashing some outrageous inflated $$$ find on the screen. Newbies see $$ and run out and get a detector and dig big holes! That way all those Cos',. doing the Ads. cash in on the "crop". Well Duh,,, It is all a bunch BS, but the real shame and harm is Who those are that are spreading it ! The proof is in the evident parallel agreement between the Shows and the Advertising. Is there such a thing as "stealth advertising". If there ain't such, maybe we should just figure it for another Duh moment and think on it some more. HH, Charlie