Big Fang Coin Biter
New member
Saturday I called two landowners to hunt old houses - first guy knew me from when I had the old WWII Jeep. Two permissions in a row! Then the weather forecast said rain all day Sunday. It was just a drizzle so I headed out to the first house. Not a lot of goodies found, but while hunting, the parking lot of the old church on the corner filled up with cars. One guy stopped and said I should try the church. I said I did not know who to ask for permission - he said he was on the board and that I could go ahead (after church). I never made it to the other house site. Found the merc. and the Gotez token at the church and J Harley token at the first house. I also found a nice sleigh bell and six wheat backs. It was fun to get out detecting again. I only covered about a quarter of the church site. It is on my old 1865 maps! I guess I am set for the next couple hunts!