I think the only record here is the pre 1900 coin total. Back when I went to meetings regularly, I remember seeing all the displays, and I would count silvers as sort of a tie breaker when judging which one the big displays I would vote for. I would see Steve, Steve, Larry and Nancy's displays, with 8 or 10 or 12 or 15 silvers, and think to myself, how to they do that, all the time. And many of the rest of us would have 2, 3 or 4 or more. So I don't think the 29 Steve counted, and 3 more from Andrew and Nancy for a total of 32, would be an actual record, but if you want to make it a point to shoot for, that is fine with me. I would think that 50 would be a closer mark and with these new members and this crop of young guns, we could put 50 behind us in short order.
Just my opinion, for what its worth.