Tonight on the History Channel the show "Battle Field Detectives" is coming on. The preview is showing different battles through the years all the way from bow and arrow to guns. The preview also showed them using metal detectors it might be pretty good be sure to check it out. Not sure as to what time. I saw it at the Hospital last night and I had just got a shot of 200mm or cc's of Demerol (spelling?) so I was pretty out of it. I just got home. I can walk again yippie!!!!but still feel like hammered crap, and cant walk to well or sit, so detecting is out of the picture until I feel better or find some drugs that will kill the pain. When I say find, I mean in a legal way, not the RUSH way..Just want to be clear on that. I will never let another orthopedic surgen near my back again. Muscle pain and nerve pain I can stand but when those screws and rod in my verterbrates start to feel like they are moving that pain is too much. Sometimes I will even pass out when the pain gets too bad. So, my advise to all of you here take care of your backs. I know I sound like I am crying, and maybe I am. Please take care of your backs. I am only 33 years old had the surgeries at 32 and I wonder if its worth it at times. I have been shot, broken arms, legs, toes, wrists, fingers, some multiple times as a child. The shooting was a hunting accident with a .22 not to bad. But this! this back of mine is like no pain I have ever had. Its like the worse tooth ache you can imagine multiplied by 10 and goes all the way from your neck to your butt. Anyway thanks for getting this far, I guess I needed to cry a bit thanks. Dont miss the show I want to see what detectors they are using.