...I am playing in church with my new axe...I think I am going to play an instrumental/singing number to highlight the sound of this new guitar...Rock of Ages,Amazing Grace,That Old Rugged Cross;How Great Thou Art- it is easy to play some of one,and slide right into another,so everybody recognizes all of them...it is hard to explain-This guitar has THAT SOUND I have been looking for for a long time-Deep,rich,resonant;precise projection,clarity-sustain by the bucket full-OOPS-SORRY!!....I was getting into the technical side of musical instruments and just rambling on-It just has an incredible voice-You were right;Joe G.-It is going to make them gospel songs sound like a million...and worth every penny I paid for her!!..I just wish I could get this camera working so I could get a picture on for you all to see ..